Milpitas, CA powerball winner!

The 2/19/2014 Wednesday night's $425 million lottery drawing was sold at Milpitas Chevron convenience store in Milpitas, according to lottery officials.

The odds of getting all the numbers right are about 1 in 175 million.

We will find out who won shortly, because the state of California REQUIRES the lottery winners name to be published, even if they insist on being anonymous.

You may think all of your problems would be solved by winning the powerball, but I have watched many TV shows on lottery winners and a surprisingly high number of people say it ruined their life and they wish they never even bought the winning ticket.

Depending on the state law, you can remain anonymous if you so desire. If you could stay anonymous why would you ever come forward publicly? People coming out of the woodwork to beg for money.

Your kids demanding a Ferrari or Bentley? I kind of pity the person who won, or at least since they won in California!