FERGUSON, Missouri -- |

I have friends who are police officers in small towns in Missouri.  Here is what I think about what is going on in Ferguson, near St. Louis, MO.
Police releassed the name of the officer who is at the center of the Ferguson, MO race riots.

Police before did not want to name the officer, because they were worried for his safety.

It is a shame but it happened, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed on Sat, 09 August 1014.

The unfortunate targets were Brown and his buddy Dorian Johnson.

Johnson stated that he and Brown and stole cigarillos.  Which is against the law but does not mean it is okay to shoot him!

Ferguson is a city of about 22,000 that is about 75 percent black.

Gov. Jay Nixon urged the community to be patient, saying the investigation into the fatal shooting needs to be completed before drawing conclusions.

"Nothing should deter figuring out how and why Michael Brown was killed," Nixon said at a press conference.

The cops that were there said one of the men went into the cop's cruiser fighting with the officer's weapon. A shot was fired inside the car during the strugle.