Two nuns, 81-year-old driver killed in Oak Lawn crash

OAK LAWN, Il. --  Man went through a red light and plowed several cars killing two Nuns.  

Sunday 10 -05-2004 accident in Oak Lawn kills three people.

Ed Carthans was found what seemed like asleep at the wheel a short distance from the scene by a concerned citizen, but Ed said he was OK and continued to drive off.

Ed and Nuns Jean Stickney and  Kab Kyoung were fatally injured in the crash.

Twenty-three people were taken to local hospitals.  11 cars were damaged around Cicero Ave and 95th St..

The F-150  truck for reasons unknown rammed into multiple cars.  Cops are not sure if alcohol was involved but are investigating where Edward was before the accident.

A male motorist found him slumped over the wheel of his truck 

This happened in the Washington Heights neighborhood, around where I worked for a long time, a quiet place.  This is a shame.  I hope to God that he was not drinking before the accident!